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The Virtual Shopfront


The ways in which people purchase goods and services have been dramatically affected by developments in information technologies. Consumers now have more choices for their shopping experiences, as well as increased payment methods.

Consumers can now shop from the comfort of their own homes through teleshopping or the Internet. They can pay for their purchases by credit card and have the goods delivered directly to their front door. And they often pay less than the market price because some of the 'middle men' have been removed from the selling process.

Statistics indicate that more and more people are using the World Wide Web for the purchase of goods and services, and it appears that the World Wide Web is going to be one of the largest market places of the 21st Century. The variety of goods is increasing as a result of businesses and consumers become more familiar with the concept.

Marketing your company's products and services over the Internet requires more than a simple Web site. To make the most of the global market opportunity, you must ensure you have a Web site that effectively targets your audience and provides the facilities for direct purchasing.

HyperWrite has the skills and experience to design and implement an Internet presence for your company that can take you into the offices and homes of consumers all over the world. We can help you develop a Web site that allows your customers to purchase what they want, when they want, while reflecting the right professional image for your organisation.

Sources: AGB McNAir, Georgia Institute of Technology's Graphic Visualisation and Usability Centre (GVU), and Aria.



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