HyperWrite - Consultancy and Training 

Help Systems, Structured Authoring, DITA, Hypertext, Documentation Technologies

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HyperWrite provides a range of consultancy services centred on Help systems, technical writing technologies, and online documentation strategy.

We can work either on-site or remotely to assist with projects throughout Australia and elsewhere in the world. We have clients in the USA, Europe and New Zealand.

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HyperWrite has always been an innovative and progressive company. We are an Internet-homed company, in that we no longer maintain a physical office. We continually invest in enhanced technical infrastructure, which provides good broadband connection speeds and virtual private network access, along with emerging tele-communications facilities such as VoIP. Our small team works from home or on-the-road. Our customers are located around Australia, and in a number of distant parts of the world.

Some of our clients are also Internet-homed, including Affinitext, a company specialising in converting legal documents into a highly-functional hypertext format.