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The Paperless Office



Modern information technology makes it possible to create a working environment that minimises paper usage, while maximising efficiency. The goal of the paperless office is always daunting and difficult, as we live in a world that continues to increase its paper consumption. As new communications technology becomes available, we can change the trend by applying business practices that operate beyond the confines of paper.

In order to move beyond the paper-based office, we need to develop new ways of thinking about our everyday business activities.

If we examine business practices and determine how they can be done electronically, it is possible to implement new approaches that not only reduce paper consumption and office supply expenses, but also build a more functional and efficient business.

At HyperWrite, our office is evolving into a paperless working environment, and our staff are continually developing ways in which we can improve our methodologies and reduce our consumption of paper. Some of the strategies we have employed include:

  • On-line phone message system written with Borland IntraBuilder and accessed through the Intranet and Extranet;
  • Trial of Zeta Fax and Microsoft NT Fax to send faxes directly from the desk top;
  • Use of E-mail for all internal written communication;
  • Use of E-mail for correspondence with clients where possible; and
  • Use of online format for general forms, staff information and updates, corporate information, and our ISO9001 Quality System Manual.

Obviously, we still use paper for some tasks (such as invoicing), but we always make a conscious effort to minimise our paper consumption and recycle where possible.

HyperWrite are specialists in creating online systems that create working environments that are easier to use, more efficient, and more effective. We have helped many companies and organisations write and implement online documentation systems. We can show your company how to move beyond the paper-bound office and move into the 21st Century.


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